Hospitality Service Center Entry (HSC Entry) is the hotel communication solution for small hotels and guest houses. HSC Entry provides invoicing of room charges, guest telephone and Internet usage, and provides a solution for handling reservations and room occupancy.
Ease of use
Telephones, guest names, reservations, and room occupancy at a glance: The HSC Entry room grid gives you up-to-date information on:
- Phone status
- Text messages
- Wake-up requests
- Room status
- Reservations
- Room occupancy
- Arrivals and departures
- Event calendar
- Charges
The room grid is your starting point and from there on you can handle invoices for telephone and Internet charges. Context-sensitive menus show meaningful functions. Just mark a span of time for a room and HSC Entry asks for the reservation or check-in. Other functions can be accessed using dedicated function keys on the keyboard or by clicking on the grid. It is so simple, anybody who can use a mouse can use HSC Entry.
Bill room, telephone and Internet charges
On departure, HSC Entry presents you with the charges for room, phone calls and high speed Internet access. You can move items from one account to another if necessary. Upon check out, account statements and bills can be prepared quickly, efficiently, and accurately ensuring a positive experience for your guests. You can easily prepare and maintain a template with Microsoft® Word®. HSC Entry uses this template for printing room bills including high speed Internet access and telephone calls charges. If a guest asks you to add a billing address this can also be easily done using the Microsoft® Word® template.
Lists make it clear
Beside the essential telephone statistics, HSC Entry offers a variety of lists to ease your work, for example, how many people might come for breakfast? Let HSC Entry provide the answers for you. With HSC Entry, you can print arrival lists, departure lists, guest lists, telephone lists, and room status lists which can be combined and used by staff as the basis for prioritizing and completing the tasks of the day.
Service Tracking
Service Tracking for monitoring guest requests right through to their satisfaction completion, including escalation mechanisms and integration with service mobile devices.
This innovative CRM solution is totally integrated and fully adapted for small hotels. Service Tracking ensures that both service requests of hotel guests and other work orders are collected and submitted to responsible hotel staff members. Moreover, you can follow the service progress from a central point. With the New Service Request window you can create a new service request for a guest staying in your hotel or enter other work orders. You can assign the service to a service attendant (or a category) and describe the service type as well as the time when the service should
be performed and whether it is a periodical service.